About The Doula!

Meet Amber Adams-Jackson

Growing up Amber loved watching documented labor and delivery shows that gave everyone a glimpse of the journey with giving birth such as "Birth Day" and "A Birth Story". Her first experience of seeing birth was at the age of 15. It was all so exciting to Amber from the wake up "it's time to go, my water broke" to the halogen operation light coming down from the ceiling when doctor said it was time to push. Amber sat on the hospital bench soaking everything in and watched as her mother championed and brought her little sister into the world. Once back at home from the hospital Amber assisted her mom in caring for her sister by preparing bottles and giving her mom a break to sleep. Not knowing what a doula was then, Amber was just happy to help her mom out where she could and loved on her sister in her free time while in high school.

Now Amber is a wife and mom of 3 young school age kids who are close in age. She had similarities and differences in each pregnancy with her favorite and most exciting part was to give birth! Also, around this time in her life family and friends were having their children and asked Amber to come along and help with their birth experiences. When she tells these stories to people after they ask what she loves, they often look at her head titled or with a strange face and Amber laughs. She knows loving birth and all that comes with it is not for everyone and that is perfectly fine. She also knew it was the knowledge she sought out that got her the amazing care providers and wonderful treatment during her pregnancies and labors, that made the world of a difference. Many do not have the knowledge, whereabouts nor resources for a multitude of reasons. This has become Amber's goal in helping mothers and birthing people know they have choices, resources and support to feel empowered and confident during their biggest times.

She has over 15 years of experience in office administration, making supporting others her specialty. However, that field never felt like her forever and she knew it was never too late to change her story. In early 2023 one door closed, and another finally opened to become a doula, what she knows is her calling. She is ProDoula trained certified, Commonsense Childbirth Institute trained, Circle of Care in Lactation certified, SMC Tutor certified, and CPR/AED certified.

Amber loves to spend time with her family and friends, enjoy the outdoors when Michigan's weather allows. Avid for adventures, concerts, podcasts and crystals. She believes in the power of God with being more spiritual than religious. She recognizes there are many different beliefs and cultures that people follow, showing respect for one another is very important to her. 

From one mom to another and beyond the parent roles she gets it! Always willing to give information, help advocate, be the biggest cheerleader with a shoulder to lean on in all of the moments. No matter what her client's choice for birth and parenting philosophies she's there to serve and support them unbiasedly and hopes to be able to support you soon!

Below is for fellow Birth Workers only - Please read if you would like to connect!

While Amber is currently the only doula for Second Nature Doulas LLC, this will not be forever.

Calling to all my fellow birth workers from Doulas to IBCLC and on. If you are looking to work with a backup. Want to become a part of a future group home base for Michigan Counties of Macomb, Oakland and Wayne. Or just want to meet for coffee or dinner, let's talk! Please connect by leaving your name, email and phone number below. You can also feel free to direct message on Facebook or Instagram.